The following papers are roughly organized (reverse) chronologically. You can also find my work on
DBLP and Google Scholar. My ORCID is 0000-0002-0076-521X
. See also this YouTube playlist of my research talks. Authors are ordered alphabetically (as is the convention in mathematics and theoretical computer science), unless noted otherwise.
Technical manuscripts
Coboundary expansion inside Chevalley coset complex HDXs
Ryan O'Donnell and Noah G. Singer
In submission
Oblivious algorithms for Maximum Directed Cut: New upper and lower bounds
Samuel Hwang, Noah G. Singer, and Santhoshini Velusamy
In submission
Technical publications
Latency guarantees for caching with delayed hits
Keerthana Gurushankar, Noah G. Singer, Bernardo Subercaseaux
Streaming algorithms via local algorithms for Maximum Directed Cut
Raghuvansh R. Saxena, Noah G. Singer, Madhu Sudan, and Santhoshini Velusamy
SODA 2025
Improved streaming algorithms for Maximum Directed Cut via smoothed snapshots
Raghuvansh R. Saxena, Noah G. Singer, Madhu Sudan, and Santhoshini Velusamy
FOCS 2023
Oblivious algorithms for the Max-\(k\)AND Problem
Noah G. Singer
Streaming complexity of CSPs with randomly ordered constraints
Raghuvansh R. Saxena, Noah G. Singer, Madhu Sudan, and Santhoshini Velusamy
SODA 2023
On sketching approximations for symmetric Boolean CSPs
Joanna Boyland, Michael Hwang, Tarun Prasad, Noah G. Singer, and Santhoshini Velusamy
Talk -
Streaming approximation resistance of every ordering CSP
Noah G. Singer, Madhu Sudan, and Santhoshini Velusamy
Computational Complexity 33
Talk -
Point-hyperplane incidence geometry and the log-rank conjecture
Noah G. Singer and Madhu Sudan
ACM Transactions on Computation Theory 14.2
Miscellaneous writing
Better streaming algorithms for Maximum Directed Cut via 'snapshots'
Noah G. Singer
CMU CSD PhD 'Writing Skills' blog post
Borges and the aesthetics of computation
Noah G. Singer
Variaciones Borges 56
On streaming approximation algorithms for constraint satisfaction problems
Noah G. Singer
Harvard College Senior Thesis
Hoopes Prize (Harvard College)